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sâmbătă, 18 august 2012

Mortal Love

             Mortal Love is one of my favorite bands,is a heart band because everytime i used to be hurted,it was the only band that have so emotional lyrics,that touch my soul,Songs like i betray the mission,my shadow self,still it has only just begun...reality,memory..i will always be happy to listen,so yeah if they will come to my country i will be right there to their concert.
        There is nothing better than music when your heart is broken,and there is nothing better when the lyrics express what you really feel in your heart.I used to give my heart and soul to"someone"that betray my feelings..  and yeah  Mortal Love really cure my obsession about him,i let him go,i'ven if it really hurts...he can't see the emptiness in my eyes..or the emptiness in my soul...and what can i say when i find this their lyrics.I love Mortal Love!Rock on guys.!hope that i will listen your new album soon.

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